Sunday, January 16, 2011

From Pondy to Auroville to Chidabarum to Trichy

We're been MIA..mostly because we've been traveling around a lot. We did stay in Auroville for 2 days in a sweet hut (which I will post pics of later)...that was nice. Auroville deserves it's own post but not today. Thanks all for your emails. I'm sorry about the comments issue...I tried one more thing so maybe you can try again? Otherwise I'm out of ideas. I didn't change any of the settings since setting up the blog so I'm not sure why it's being difficult.

It's hot and humid where we are. We're been on some very challenging bus rides. Omg. Lots of over crowding! You think the 99 is packed? Uh NO. They just pack people in like sardines here. Not to mention the crazy driving that goes on. Dan and I met a man in passing who had visited Toronto and the first thing he said was "oh my goodness, Toronto drivers are so crazy and drive so fast". haha I guess it's what you're used to.

I have more pics coming...